
Each view is a function which receives a dictonary, called args, and must return a dictionary.

Use the banjo.urls.route_get and banjo.urls.route_post decorators to route URLs to your view functions.

Be sure to import the route decorators and model:

# app/
from banjo.urls import route_get, route_post
from .models import Person

All view functions must:

  • include args as a funciton parameter, regardless if the endpoint requires a payload

  • return a dictionary to ensure propert JSON formatting


Creates a GET API at the specified endpoint


must include a string to denote the endpoint

Args (optional):

can include a payload in the format of a dictionary - the key must be a string and the value must be the expected data type


# app/
from banjo.urls import route_get, route_post
from .models import Person


example GET function with no args:

def all_persons(args):
    if Person.objects.exists():
        all_persons = []

        for person in Person.objects.all():

        return {'all persons': all_persons}

        return {'error': 'no persons exisit'}

example GET function with args:

@route_get('one', args={'id': int})
def one_person(args):
    if Person.objects.filter(id=args['id']).exists():
        one_person = Person.objects.get(id=args['id'])

        return {'person': one_person.json_response()}

        return {'error': 'no person exists'}

Creates a POST API at the specified endpoint


must include a string to denote the endpoint

Args (optional):

can include a payload in the format of a dictionary - the key must be a string and the value must be the expected data type


# app/
from banjo.urls import route_get, route_post
from models import Person

@route_post('add_person', args={'name': str, 'email_address': str})

example POST function with args:

@route_post('add_person', args={'name': str, 'email_address': str})
def add_person(args):
    new_person = Person.from_dict(args)

    return new_person.json_response()